Books and Dissertation
- Du, N. & Durvasula, K. (2025). Psycholinguistics and Phonology: the forgotten foundations of generative phonology. Cambridge University Press. (data and analyses, manuscript version)
- Durvasula, K. (2010). Understanding Nasality. PhD Dissertation. University of Delaware, DE, USA.
Journal Articles and other Peer-reviewed Papers
- McCollum, A., Durvasula, K., & Abudushalamu, X. (submitted). O gradience, where art thou? Examining backness harmony in Uyghur.
- Gu, Y. & Durvasula, K. (submitted). The relation between sonority and gestural timing. Journal of Phonetics.
- Durvasula, K. & Bongiovanni, S. (2025). Probing syllabic affiliation of word-initial and word-medial consonant sequences in north-central Peninsular Spanish. Phonetica. (manuscript, data and analyses)
- Oh, S., Shaw, J., Durvasula, K., & Kochetov, A. (2024). Russian assimilatory palatalization is incomplete. neutralization. Laboratory Phonology, 15(1). (it’s open access)
- Du, N. & Durvasula, K. (2024). Phonetically incomplete neutralization can be phonologically complete. Phonology, 1–37. (it’s open access, data and analyses)
- Kahng, J. & Durvasula, K. (2023). Can you judge what you don’t hear? Perception as a source of gradient wordlikeness judgements. Glossa, 8(2). (it’s open access, data and other files)
- Durvasula, K. (2023). A simple acoustic measure of onset complexity. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Ed. by Radek Skarnitzl and Jan Volín. Prague, The Czech Republic: Guarant International, 2010-2014. (manuscript version)
- Durvasula, K. & Wang, Y. (2023). Revisiting CV timing with a new technique to identify inter-gestural proportional timing. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Ed. by Radek Skarnitzl and Jan Volín. Prague, The Czech Republic: Guarant International, 2284-2288. (manuscript version)
- Shaw, J., Oh, S., Durvasula, K., & Kochetov, A. (2021). Articulatory coordination distinguishes complex segments from segment sequences. Phonology, 38(3), 437-477.
- Durvasula, K., Ruthan, M., Heidenreich, S. & Lin, Y.-H. (2021). Probing Syllable Structure Through Acoustic Methods: Case-studies on American English and Jazani Arabic. Phonology, 38(2), 173–202. (it’s open access, data and analyses, bib)
- Nelson, S. & Durvasula, K. (2021). Lexically-guided perceptual learning does generalize to new phonetic contexts. Journal of Phonetics, 84. (manuscript version, data and analyses, bib)
- Durvasula, K., Liter, A. (2020). There is a simplicity bias when generalizing from ambiguous data. Phonology, 37(2), 177-213. (read-only journal version, manuscript version, data and analyses, bib)
- Hestvik, A., Shinohara, Y., Durvasula, K., Verdonschot, R. & Sakai, H. (2020). Asymmetric memory encoding of phonological features: Japanese voicing underspecification. Brain Research. 1732, 146664.
- Durvasula, K. & Parrish, A. (2019). Is there Phonological Feature Priming? Linguistic Vanguard, 5(1). (manuscript version, data, supplementary materials, bib)
- Shaw, J., Durvasula, K. & Kochetov A. (2019). The Temporal Basis of Complex Segments. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Melbourne, Australia.
- Durvasula, K., Huang, H.-H., Uehara, S., Luo, Q. & Lin, Y.-H. (2018). Phonology modulates the illusory vowels in perceptual illusions: evidence from Mandarin & English. Journal of Laboratory Phonology. (manuscript version, bib)
- Durvasula, K. & Huang H. (2017). Word-internal “ambisyllabic” consonants are not multiply-linked in American English. Language Sciences, 62, 17-36. (manuscript version)
- Hestvik, A. & Durvasula, K. (2016). Neurobiological evidence for voicing underspecification in English. Brain & Language, 152, 28-43. (manuscript version)
- Durvasula, K. & Kahng, J. (2016). The Role of Phrasal Phonology in Speech Perception: What Perceptual Epenthesis Shows Us. Journal of Phonetics, 54, 15-34. (manuscript version)
- Luo, Q., Durvasula, K. & Lin, Y.-H. (2016). Inconsistent Consonantal Effects on F0 in Cantonese and Mandarin. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, Buffalo, NY.
- Durvasula, K. & Kahng, J. (2015). Illusory vowels in perceptual epenthesis: the role of phonological alternations. Phonology, 32.3, 385-416. (read-only journal version, manuscript version)
- Luo, Q., Durvasula, K. & Lin, Y.-H. (2015). A Perceptual Account for Cantonese Vocative Reduplication. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- Whelpton, M., Trotter, D., Guðmundsdóttir Beck, Þ., Anderson, C., Maling, J., Durvasula, K., & Beretta, A. (2014). Portions and sorts in Icelandic: an ERP study. Brain & Language, 44, 44-57.
- Durvasula, K. & Luo, Q. (2014). Voicing, Aspiration and Vowel Duration in Hindi. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 18, 060009 (2014).
Conference Proceedings (Peer-reviewed Abstracts)
- Gu, Y. & Durvasula, K. (2024). The Relation between Sonority and Gestural Timing. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America.
- Ruthan, M., Durvasula, K. & Lin, Y.-H. (2019). Temporal Coordination and Sonority of Jazani Arabic Word-Initial Clusters. Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting on Phonology. San Diego, CA: Linguistic Society of America.
- Xu, C., Lin, Y.-H., Durvasula, K. (2018). Sonority bias in Rugao di-syllabic syllable contraction. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America.
- Durvasula, K. & Nelson, S. (2018). Lexical Retuning Targets Features. In Gallagher, Gillian, Gouskova, Maria, and Sora Yin (eds.), Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America.
- Feldscher, C. & Durvasula, K. (2017). Excrescent stops in American English. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, [S.I.] v. 2, p: 20:1-15, June 2017.
- Uehara, S., Durvasula, K. & Lin, Y.-H. (2016). Japanese and English speakers are not sensitive to the Sonority Sequencing Principle in word segmentation. Proceedings of The Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2016). (4-5 June 2016), Tokyo, Japan.
- Zheng, M. & Durvasula, K. (2016). English loanwords in Mandarin Chinese: A perception experiment approach. Proceedings of the 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, NACCL-27 (3-5 April 2015), UCLA, CA.
Other Manuscripts
- Muller, H., Gaston, P., Dickerson, B., Liter, A., Durvasula, K., Goodhue, D., Hirzel, M., Hitczenko, K., Kandel, M., Lyskawa, P., Nelligan, J., Papillon, M., Parrish, A., & Perkins, L. (under review). Gender bias in representation and publishing rates across subfields of Linguistics.
- Durvasula, K., Xu, C., Zheng, M., Wang, X. & Lin, Y.-H. (in prep). Phonological Knowledge in Speech Perception: The Case of Illusory Consonants. (manuscript version)
- Durvasula, K. & Gorman, K. (in prep). Who’s afraid of gradient acceptability?
- Durvasula, K. There are no “ambisyllabic” consonants: a case-study in Michigan English consonant durations.
- Durvasula, K. Explaining Obstruent Stop Opacity in Nasal Harmony.
- Durvasula, K. Obstruent Nasals Exist.
- Durvasula, K. & Idsardi, W. J., What [nasal] reveals about Distinctive Features.
- Trotter, D., Durvasula, K., Guðmundsdóttir Beck, Þ., Whelpton, M., Maling, J., & Beretta, A. Vikings who can gulp down beer mugs, cook bean cans, and slurp wine glasses: An ERP study of ambiguous heads in complex heads in Icelandic words.
- Kelley, P. Trotter, D., Durvasula, K., Whelpton, M., Maling, J. & Beretta, A. An electrophysiological study of mass-count coercion in Icelandic.