Advising is difficult and stressful, but fun! Here are the people I have advised/am advising:
PhD Chair/co-chair (at Michigan State University)
PhD Committee Member
- Michael Dow. (2014). Contrast and Markedness among Nasal(ized) Vowels: A phonetic-phonological study of French and Vimeu Picard. Indiana University. [present: Assistant Professor, University of Montreal]
- Timothy O’Neill. (2015). The Phonology of Betsimisaraka Malagasy. University of Delaware.
- Mingzhe Zheng. You have to learn to adapt: A sociolinguistic study of Chinese Americans in the “Asian City” of Southeast Michigan. committee member. PhD, 2017, Michigan State University. [present: Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley]
- Monica Nesbitt. (2019). The impact of internal social change on local phonology. Michigan State University. [present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College]
- Cara (Danny) Feldscher. (2019). Natural language addition via degrees, events, and focus. Michigan State University. [present: language researcher at Amazon]
- Xiaomei Wang. (2020). Local Identity and Language Attitude in Standardization: Evidence from Tianjin Chinese Tone Sandhi. Michigan State University. [present: faculty at Tianjin University]
- Mohammed Ruthan. (2020). Aspects of Jazani Arabic. Michigan State University. [present: Assistant Professor, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University]
- Chenchen Xu. (2020). The Phonology and Phonetics of Rugao Syllable Contraction: Vowel Selection and Deletion. Michigan State University.
- Ho-Hsin Huang. (2020). To Epenthesize or not? Segment Insertion in Mandarin Loanwords. Michigan State University. [present: Instructor of Chinese, Michigan State University]
- Yan Cong. (2021). Competition in Natural Language Meaning: The Case of Adjective Constructions in Chinese and Beyond. Michigan State University.
- Ye Ma. (2023). The Processing of Aspectual Verbs in Mandarin Chinese. Michigan State University
- Shannon Cousins. (2024). How to Begin? Toward a General Theory of Aspectual Verbs. Michigan State University
- Yaxuan Wang, MSU (PhD expected, Fall 2025)
- Adam Barnhardt, MSU (PhD expected, Fall 2026)
- Jess Shepherd, MSU (PhD expected, Fall 2028)
Other PhD committees
- Mitch Klein [former PhD student at MSU; PhD Co-advisor with Brian Buccola] - Served 2019-2023.
- Chad Hall, Sociolinguistics [PhD expected, 2022] - Served 2017-2020.
- Xiayimaierdan Abudushalamu, Sociolinguistics [PhD expected, 2022] - Served 2017-2020.
- Rebecca Senn, Sociolinguistics [switched to MA] - Served 2016-2020.
- Alex Mason, Sociolinguistics [Did not finish] - Served 2016-2020.
- Komeil Kolahi Ahari, Syntax [PhD expected, 2023] - Served 2018-2020.
- Matt Savage, Sociolinguistics [PhD expected, 2023] - Served 2014-2020.
- Monica Obiri-Yeboah, Sociolinguistics [switched to MA] - Served 2019-2021.
Chair/co-chair MA Committee (at Michigan State University)
MA Committee Member (at Michigan State University)
- Patricia Lawrence, MSU (MA, Fall 2015)
- Alex Mason, MSU (MA, Spring 2016)
- Alicia Parrish, MSU (MA, Spring 2017) [PhD, New York University]
- Adam Smolinski, MSU (MA, Spring 2019)
- Jack Rechsteiner, (MA, Spring 2023)
Undergraduate Student Theses (at Michigan State University)
- Kira A. Vander Molen. (2024). The Case of Nasalization: Phonetic and Phonological Processes in Michigan English. [co-advised with Silvina Bongiovanni]
- Cherilyn Wang. (2002). CV-timing alters regarding different vowel height – an articulatory study using corpus data.
- Sarah Knappenberger. (2022). Lexical Access and Production in Michigan English.
- Katelyn Weatherford. (2022). Acoustic C-center effects in Russian.
- Russell Marvin. (2021). The effect of speech rate on the voicing effect in English.
- Jillian Burger. (2021). Instructional Effects on Phonotactic Acceptability Judgement Testing.
- Michaela Smith. (2020). Perception of [æ] raising in pre-oral and pre-nasal settings in Michigan English speakers.
- Sean Connelly. (2020). Measuring Dentalization of Alveolar Stops in Native English Speakers of Lebanese-Arab Descent from Dearborn, Michigan.
- Megan Placko. (2020). Phonological Underspecification in Voicing Perception using a simple Oddball paradigm. [After graduating: Masters in Speech Pathology, University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne.]
- Kinsey Adair. (2020). Mathematizing Turkish Phonology.
- Bobby Felster. (2019). Ambisyllabic consonants in Michigan English.
- Claire Moen. (2018). The Yooper Accent: A Phonetic Study of the Upper Peninsula Dialect.
- Scott Nelson. (2017). Perceptual Retuning Targets Features. [After graduating: MA, MSU, and then PhD student, SUNY Stony Brook]
- Bethany Dickerson. (2017). Canadian Raising in Michigan English. [After graduating: MA, University of Massachusetts Amherst]
- Taylor Bronsink. (2017). Moral language as Reflected in Presidential State of the Union Speeches over the Course of American History.
- Emily Salzeid. (2017). Gestural Relations and Phonology.
- Stirling Witthoeft. (2016). Changes in Speech Rate due to Varying Simulated Acoustic Environments.
- Elliot Selkirk. (2016). Acoustic Correlates of Gesture Timing in English Syllables. [After grduating: MA/PhD student, University of Edinburgh]
- Lindsay Burger. (2016). The Relationship between Self-soothing Behaviors and Complex Language in Children.
- Katelyn Grizzle. (2016). Compliance and Beliefs of Hearing Protection in a Noisy Environment.
- Foster, Elaine. (2015). American attitudes toward American dialects.
- Hoffman, Jared. (2015). Syllable Compression: Revisited.
- Swisher, Kimberly. (2013). The perceptibility and comprehensibility of the Speech of Individuals with Downs Syndrome (DS).
- Adams, Latoya. (2013). Production and perception of homophonous words in English.
- Chabala, Dan. (2012). The effect of pitch on the production of vowel length.
- Koo, Boram. (2012). Review of palatalization: what it means to have secondary palatalization.
- Heffner, Chris. (2011). Languages with Opacity are Opaque. [present: Assistant Professor, University of Buffalo]
- Selbig, Shaina. (2011). Breathy voice: Using Praat scripting to determine the intensity difference of H1-H2.
- Briones, Juan. (2011). Perception of Phonemic and Allophonic Contrasts in Spanish.
- Soo-Rim, Hong. (2010). Effects of Korean Phonology on English when Koreans learn English.